During this Covid-19 pandemic, we are all bombarded with so much news, how do we know what is fact or fiction?
It is important that we listen to the facts, so we can make informed choices for ourselves and our loved ones.
One area of concern has been about the Covid-19 vaccine, which is now being rolled out to priority groups across the UK.
Many questions have been asked about how the vaccine has been made and if it contains any animals products.
Please be reassured that there are NO animal products contained in these vaccines.
The BBC have developed a number of videos in 5 different languages to explain all about the vaccine, you can click HERE to access this information.
Dr Harpreet Sood on BBC News, from NHS England has stated
“We need to be clear and make people realise there is no meat in the vaccine, there is no pork in the vaccine, it has been accepted and endorsed by all the religious leaders”
Dr Harpreet Sood
NHS England
The article can be read in full HERE
Public Health England have also published leaflets in a variety of different languages to explain the vaccine. You can find full information HERE
The South Asian Health Foundation, also has an array of information on their website, in a rage of different languages about the essentials you need to know.
Check out there website HERE
The British Fertility Society and Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists have created a document in response to questions that patients have been asking about Covid-19 vaccines and fertility. Many people are worried that it will affect their fertility and future health. Please check out their website HERE to view the full document.
Make sure you know the facts and you aren’t missing out on something which could help you and your family.

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