Getting a good education is important
Sometimes you might need help in lessons, or you may have adults from other services who come into school to help you.
You may have an Education Heath and Care Plan ( ) that sets out the type of support you need and how often you need the support. As you get into Post 16 education this could be college, 6th form, vocational or life skills courses you will becoming much more independent and begin to focus on what you want in adulthood.
The knowledge and skills you may develop are:
- Developing your future plans – this can include school/college, developing life skills, etc.
- Improving your sense of control (living your life the best way possible).
- Understanding the impact of their condition/s on career choices.
- Learning how and when to disclose positively.
- Learning about work experience (where possible).
- Developing daily living skills.
- Developing a career plan.
- Learning about reasonable adjustments and access to work.
- Living your best life, regardless of your condition or disability.